Stop the War in the Ukraine
Join the Code Blue Movement!


Code Blue Mission:
Persuade Governments to Focus on a Just & Sustainable Peace

The total focus and sole objective of Code Blue is to turn the attention of our elected officials and governments towards a negotiated just & sustainable peace. Code Blue has a Plan to make it simple and easy to empower you to voice your desire for peace in Ukraine.

Emergency: Lives are at stake!

Ten thousand lives are being lost each month...tens of thousands of families are being heart broken... tens of billions of dollars of assets and infrastructure are going up in smoke. There have been 550,000 casualties since this Ukraine war began and the counting... that is already 2½ times the casualties of dropping the two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

There is no endgame in sight and visually no discussion of peace by our elected leaders and goverments

Stop the Escalation! Focus on a Path to Peace

There will be no victors in this war, and yet there is virtually no discussion of a negotiated peace by our elected officials and governments. The media coverage is focused on death, destruction and armaments. This war was conceived by humans and can be ended by humans.

Great Seal

Look at the Great Seal of the United States. The eagle has the arrows in its left hand and the olive branch in its right hand. The Eagle’s head is turned towards the olive branch of peace. This is the Code Blue plea to elected officials and governments: turn your focus towards peace.

A Willingness to Negotiate Peace

China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia have initiated unilateral third-party peace efforts; however, these have faltered because of obvious self-interest. President Zelensky sought the support of “neutral nations” in Copenhagen in the late Spring and in Jeddah this summer. There have even been media reports of back channel discussions between “former” U.S. diplomats and Russian diplomats that the media labeled “Track 2” discussions. Let’s get peace negotiations going on the fast track!

The Russians and the Ukrainians will not be able to hold direct negotiations in the foreseeable future. Code Blue sees United Nations involvement as essential to achieve:

United Nations

1) Resetting the Black Sea Initiative
2) A temporary ceasefire or pause for religious observances.
3) Successful peace negotiations
4) Peace-keeping monitoring and verification

For a summary of the Code Blue Action Plan, click here

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